Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Designing Schools Of The Future

A WebQuest for Grade 8

Designed by

Ooi Eng Lye



Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


The design of the schools of the future is important for 21st century learners. The aim of this lesson is to allow the students the opportunity to contribute their views on the design of the schools of the future. The participants would be able to develop their thinking creatively in designing their own schools of the future.  Curriculum analysis should be used in the development of the school design.


The Task

The students will need to reflect on the following questions to help them design the schools of the future.

  • What they would want to see in the new school of the future? What are the key priorities for the school?
  • Who need to be involved in making those decisions?
  • How to incorporate the curriculum in the development of the school design?
  • How to design the school for the future of learning?



The Process

The steps are as followed:

  1. Introduction and ground rules
  2. In groups of three, check the following websites.

    The following websites will provide information on designing schools of the future:





  1. Look into this website and brainstorm ideas in groups- http://www.bsf-culture.co.uk/design.php
  2. Make a poster presentation of the school of the future and a multimedia presentation which includes a design checklist on "Designing the School of The Future"
  3. Every group will make a presentation to the class




There will be a common grade for group work and an individual grade for presentation.

Poster Rubric- Designs of School of the Future


Points Awarded 

Points Earned 

Focus- The topic is clear



Main Ideas- appropriate to the topic and presented correctly 



Supporting Details- Appropriate and accura oote details



Purpose- Clearly accomplished 



Drawings & illustrations- an added value to the poster 



Mechanics- no errors in grammar, capitalization, usage and punctuation



Layout & Design- color and use of space communicate the message 



Creativity- Highly original & creative 



Neat & Presentable 







Multimedia Presentation Rubric







Presentation is logical, in sequence which the audience can follow 

Presentation is in logical sequence which audience can follow 

Audience have difficulty following presentation because it is not in sequence. 

Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.


Subject Knowledge 

Students demonstrates full knowledge with full elaboration on all the questions. 

Student is able to answer all questions but with little elaboration. 

Student have little knowledge of subject and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student does not have grasp of information and have problems answering questions.



Student's graphics explain and reinforce text and presentation

Student's graphics relates to text and presentation.

Students occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation

Students uses little or no graphics.



No spelling or grammatical errors at all.

More than 2 spelling and grammatical errors

More than 3 spelling and grammatical errors.

Four or more grammatical or spelling errors.


Eye contact

Maintains eye contact with audience at all times.

Maintains eye contact most of the time

Occasionally maintain eye contact, but still refer to text.

Reads from text without eye contact.


Oral Presentation skills

Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, clear voice and clear delivery

Communicates ideas with clear voice and adequate delivery.

Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection and incomplete work

Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection and incomplete work.



Getting students to think creatively on the design of the schools of the future will give them a sense of ownership in designing for the future of learning. This activity would let them think about the types of schools for the learners of the future.

Credits & References:







Last updated on May 1st, 2007. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page

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