Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Response to Simkins

Chapter 3:
Making real world connections expounded by Simkins is the main goal of a learning process. Learners of the 21st century must not only pursue the knowledge and skills but also to strive for excellence with a purpose. With a purposeful objective in the learning process, Simkins proposed 10 real-world connection ideas that are categorized into project topics, interaction and connecting to the future. It is true what Simkins said that students have to find the connections that make sense to them and these connections depend on the curriculum, time frame, issues, the people and the environment.This chapter reveals to readers the varied ways for students to connect their learning to the real world, the present and the future.

Chapter 4:
The author takes the reader through the process of defining and planning a multimedia project. he also mentioned the type of multimedia project students can create, looking into issues of goals and objectives, time, resources available and last but not least the real-world connection. The author has given a comprehensive step- by-step outline, taking the learners through the rudiments of defining and planning a multimedia learning project. it is a simple to understand guide for teachers and students.

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