Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Essential Conditions For Effective Technology Integration

In my opinion, "It's Magic" by Annermarie Timmerman really encompasses the 6 essential conditions for technology integration because the teacher have access to the digital tools to create and integrate technology in the learning process. I agree to what the writer said about how technology allowed teachers to transform education rather than just automate old ways of learning. The students were guided by their "cherubs" and developmental mentor during the learning process. The infrastructure bandwidth that supported the learning process have enabled students to design a holographic replication of a historical personality in the socratic seminar. It enabled the students to live the life of the historical figure whereby the students wore virtual projection suits to manipulate their characters within the virtual conference and they were expected to respond and participate in the seminar not as themselves but as the characters they created. This student centered approach to learning, through technology integration creates creativity in the students. The students realised that at Hogwarts, Harry learned wizardry through experimentation and doing and they got into trouble not for misbehavior but for the curiosity to know. Like students in Hogwarts, students should be given the infrastructure and the technological support to construct knowledge. As the author said, with harry Potter, students envisioned schooling as a wonderful, fun activity that allowed all students to reach their potential.I hope all the 10 essential conditions for technology integration be in place in the education system to give the "magic " touch to learning in the 21st century.

The second article "After the Bell, Beyond" by Eric Langhorst challenges the education community to rethink about the learning process, where and when and how it should be. We always assume learning can only take place in the classroom, but in fact, it's beyond the bell. The author;s essential questions : as to where the learning takes place for your students, does it begin and end in your classroom or do you use technology to extend your students' learning beyond the classroom walls?

I believe that learning beyond the classroom using technology has not happened to me because I lack access to technologies and software and as an educator, I am not skilled in the use of technology for learning. These are 2 greatest setbacks I have in right now. I truly know that learning is beyond the classroom and technology integration is the best way right now because our world is increasingly using media- music,, video games, ipods at our convenience anywhere and anytime. The studycasts that have been used for student learning is a great way to involve students, educators and authors or community in the learning process. By discussing in an open forum and receiving immediate feedback from authors give the students an opportunity to interact with the book in front of them and being able to communicate their ideas to the relevant people involved give the students a sense of ownership in their own learning process. it's a form of self discovery and inquiry. Assessment and feedback given by experts in the field helped the students to learn and interact with the community. Thus, its not only the teachers that assess the students work in the classroom but it;s an ongoing process with the help of technology.The author said,"Reading the book became a 2 way street in which inquiry was possible for both reader and author. The author further emphasized that; technology didn't; kill the book, it gave it more life and enabled it to grow beyond individual experience. I totally agree with that and I believe this will encourage students to read more. Of course, as what the author said, technology will not magically save the U.S. education system but it will effective teach all students. It;'s about effective instruction and effective learning in and beyond the classroom.

"The brick-mortar school,along with the teachers, should be the core for learning. But we cheat our students if we continue to think of school as a class period that begins and ends with a bell."- Eric Langhorst

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What I have learned so far?

Taking up this multimedia course is a challenege for me. As I am not so computer savvy, the fear of interacting with the digital tools have always put me at a distance with computer technology. Thus this course have actually made me more literate as a digital immigrant. I am beginning to feel at ease with the digital tools I learned in this lesson. Proud to say that, I can create a blog, a webquest and I am able to explore other tools too.

Being a digital immigrant, my students are always better than me in handling the digital tools. I would like to be able to create a webquest for my students, so that they are able to work online.I would like to be able to make full use of the technology tools for my classroom learning.

What has been challenging to me is the online sessions. With such limited knowledge of the technology, the tasks assigned were altogether challenging because evry click of the mouse creates something new for me. I hada few defaults here and there, but I managed to complete the assignments, even though I was late in posting it. I enjoyed the learning process even though I had to explore on my own without any face-to-face guidance. Even though there were instructions posted, I just didn't know where to look for it. So, I need to explore more in order to make things happen.

At the end of the day, I hope to be able to use what I have learned in my classroom teaching. There's so much I want to do for my students to make them maximize their skills in digital tools. Hopefully, I can feel more at ease in using the digital tools.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Response to Web 2.0 Tool Exploration

Gliffy is a good tool to explore where diagrams can be created based on various themes.The diagrams can be shared online.We can draw diagrams in our web browser without downloading additional software. We can also add collaborators or group members especially in creating group designs.We can also create many types of diagrams such as Flowcharts, floor plans, network diagrams, and UML diagrams.

Wikispaces allow me to create simple web pages that group members can edit together.
it is a more personalized learning tool on a specific topic aimed at a group of people or students.It takes the learner through a series of steps. Various links to the topic can also be posted and it also allows discussion on the topic posted.

Designing Schools Of The Future

A WebQuest for Grade 8

Designed by

Ooi Eng Lye



Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits


The design of the schools of the future is important for 21st century learners. The aim of this lesson is to allow the students the opportunity to contribute their views on the design of the schools of the future. The participants would be able to develop their thinking creatively in designing their own schools of the future.  Curriculum analysis should be used in the development of the school design.


The Task

The students will need to reflect on the following questions to help them design the schools of the future.

  • What they would want to see in the new school of the future? What are the key priorities for the school?
  • Who need to be involved in making those decisions?
  • How to incorporate the curriculum in the development of the school design?
  • How to design the school for the future of learning?



The Process

The steps are as followed:

  1. Introduction and ground rules
  2. In groups of three, check the following websites.

    The following websites will provide information on designing schools of the future:





  1. Look into this website and brainstorm ideas in groups- http://www.bsf-culture.co.uk/design.php
  2. Make a poster presentation of the school of the future and a multimedia presentation which includes a design checklist on "Designing the School of The Future"
  3. Every group will make a presentation to the class




There will be a common grade for group work and an individual grade for presentation.

Poster Rubric- Designs of School of the Future


Points Awarded 

Points Earned 

Focus- The topic is clear



Main Ideas- appropriate to the topic and presented correctly 



Supporting Details- Appropriate and accura oote details



Purpose- Clearly accomplished 



Drawings & illustrations- an added value to the poster 



Mechanics- no errors in grammar, capitalization, usage and punctuation



Layout & Design- color and use of space communicate the message 



Creativity- Highly original & creative 



Neat & Presentable 







Multimedia Presentation Rubric







Presentation is logical, in sequence which the audience can follow 

Presentation is in logical sequence which audience can follow 

Audience have difficulty following presentation because it is not in sequence. 

Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.


Subject Knowledge 

Students demonstrates full knowledge with full elaboration on all the questions. 

Student is able to answer all questions but with little elaboration. 

Student have little knowledge of subject and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.

Student does not have grasp of information and have problems answering questions.



Student's graphics explain and reinforce text and presentation

Student's graphics relates to text and presentation.

Students occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation

Students uses little or no graphics.



No spelling or grammatical errors at all.

More than 2 spelling and grammatical errors

More than 3 spelling and grammatical errors.

Four or more grammatical or spelling errors.


Eye contact

Maintains eye contact with audience at all times.

Maintains eye contact most of the time

Occasionally maintain eye contact, but still refer to text.

Reads from text without eye contact.


Oral Presentation skills

Communicates ideas with enthusiasm, clear voice and clear delivery

Communicates ideas with clear voice and adequate delivery.

Some difficulty communicating ideas, due to voice projection and incomplete work

Great difficulty communicating ideas. Poor voice projection and incomplete work.



Getting students to think creatively on the design of the schools of the future will give them a sense of ownership in designing for the future of learning. This activity would let them think about the types of schools for the learners of the future.

Credits & References:







Last updated on May 1st, 2007. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page